Femur -- Necrosis : Insights into avascular necrosis of the femoral head : learning for the trainees and professionals / Prasoon Kumar, Sameer Aggarwal, Vishal Kumar, editors
Fen raft spider. : Deadly 60: UK 2 - Ep 13 of 20 / Director: Brickell, James
Fenan : The early prehistory of Wadi Faynan, Southern Jordan : archaeological survey of Wadis Faynan, Ghuwayr and al-Bustan and evaluation of the pre-pottery neolithic A site of WF16 / edited by Bill Finlayson and Steven Mithen
Fence Rangkuti, Hamsad, 1943- : Short stories for students. Volume 31 : presenting analysis, context, and criticism on commonly studied short stories / Sara Constantakis, project editor
Fence Yūsuf, Saʻdī : Poetry for students. Volume 55 : presenting analysis, context, and criticism on commonly studied poetry / Kristin B. Mallegg, project editor ; foreword by David J. Kelly
Fencer, Lorna Napurrula, 1923-2006 : Yulyurlu : Lorna Fencer Napurrurla / edited by Margie West ; contributors: Barbara Ambjerg Pedersen, Chips Mackinolty, Christine Nicholls
[Fences Act 1915] Victoria : The rabbit pest in Australia : with chapters on foxes, dingoes, wombats, the Fences Act of Victoria and noxious weeds / by James Matthams
Fences -- Australia -- Safety measures. : Farm machinery injury : Injuries associated with posthole diggers : a report for the Rural Industries Research and Development Corporation / by A. Athanasiov, L. Fragar, M. Gupta
Fences -- Australia -- Western Australia. : The longest fence in the world : a history of the no. 1 rabbit proof fence from its beginning until recent times / by F.H. Broomhall
Fences -- Conservation and restoration. : Fences & gates c.1840-1925 : a guide to identification, conservation & restoration of historic fences & gates c.1840-1925 / compiled by Richard Peterson for the National Trust of Australia (Victoria)
Fences -- Environmental aspects : Fencing for conservation : restriction of evolutionary potential or a riposte to threatening processes? / Michael J. Somers, Matthew Hayward, editors
Fences -- Law and legislation -- England : The law of party walls and fences : including the new Metropolitan Buildings Act : with notes / by Humphry W. Woolrych
Fences -- Poland -- Drama : The boy in the striped pyjamas / John Boyne ; adapted for the stage by Angus Jackson
Fences -- Preservation. : Fences & gates c.1840-1925 : a guide to identification, conservation & restoration of historic fences & gates c.1840-1925 / compiled by Richard Peterson for the National Trust of Australia (Victoria)