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Book Cover
Author Jülich, Solveig

Title Histories of Fetal Knowledge Production in Sweden Medicine, Politics, and Public Controversy, 1530-2020
Published Boston : BRILL, 2024


Description 1 online resource (470 p.)
Series Clio Medica Series ; v.107
Clio Medica Series
Contents Introduction: Historicizing Fetal Knowledge Production, Reproductive Politics, and Conflicted Values / Solveig Jülich -- Caring for the Liminal Dead: Lutheran Emergency Baptism and Stillbirth, ca. 1530-1720 / Tove Paulsson Holmberg -- Between Blood Clots and Corpses: Valuations of Fetal Remains in Early Modern Courts / Anton Runesson -- Beyond the Human Fetus: Monstrous Births and Emerging Biopolitics around 1800 / Maja Bondestam -- Visualizing the Early Stages of Life: Embryology and Fetal Anatomy at the Karolinska Institute, 1820s-1920s / Eva Åhrén -- 'Pelves of Various Nations': Race and Sex in a Mid-nineteenth-Century Obstetric Collection / Helena Franzén -- Embryology and the Clinic: Early to Mid-twentieth-Century Stories of Pregnancy, Abortion, and Fetal Collecting / Solveig Jülich -- Fetuses as Instruments of Health: Polio Vaccine and the Nation in the Postwar Period / Solveig Jülich and Isa Dussauge -- The Moral Imperative of Fetal Research: Framing the Scientific Use of Aborted Fetuses in the 1960s and 1970s / Helena Tinnerholm Ljungberg -- From the Laboratory to the Parliament: Valuing Abortion Pills in the 1960s / Morag Ramsey -- Thalidomide in the Welfare State: Rehabilitation and Contested Normality / Maria Björkman -- Unruly Bodies, Unruly Statistics: Thalidomide and the Birth of Reproductive Epidemiology in the Early 1960s / Francis Lee -- Navigating between Risk Discourses: on the Early Adoption and Development of Obstetrical Ultrasound Imaging in Lund, ca. 1960-1980 / Annika Berg -- Visual Wonders and Shocks: Images of Human Fetuses in Television Programs on Abortion and Fetal Research, 1969-1988 / Elisabet Björklund -- The Moral Landscape of Prenatal Diagnosis / Anna Tunlid -- Epilogue: Controversy and Fetal Research: The Swedish Case / Solveig Jülich
Summary By exploring fetal knowledge production in many fields and through 500 years of history, this timely volume demonstrates how the uses of aborted fetuses for research generated public controversy and became regulated by ethics and law in Sweden
Notes Description based upon print version of record
Subject Fetal death -- Political aspects -- Sweden
Fetal tissues -- Research -- Moral and ethical aspects -- Sweden
Fetus -- Research -- Sweden -- History
Human experimentation in medicine -- Moral and ethical aspects -- Sweden
Form Electronic book
ISBN 9789004703759