Filosofia -- Alemanha. : Philosophical writings / Johann Gottfried von Herder ; translated and edited by Michael N. Forster
Filosofía -- Alemania -- S.XX : One-way street / Walter Benjamin ; translated by Edmund Jephcott ; edited and with an introduction by Michael W. Jennings ; preface by Greil Marcus
Filosofia antiga (congressos) : Traditions of theology : studies in Hellenistic theology, its background and aftermath / edited by Dorothea Frede and André Laks
Filosofia árabe. : The reception of Aristotle's Metaphysics in Avicenna's Kitāb al-Šifāo : a milestone of Western metaphysical thought / by Amos Bertolacci
Filosofía Ciencia política : International relations, political theory, and the problem of order : beyond international relations theory? / N.J. Rengger
Filosofía Civilización : The dawn of everything : a new history of humanity / David Graeber and David Wengrow
Filosofia cristã (congressos) : Logik und Theologie : das Organon im arabischen und im lateinischen Mittelalter / herausgegeben von Dominik Perler & Ulrich Rudolph
Filosofia cristã (história) : Franciscan literature of religious instruction before the Council of Trent / by Bert Roest
Filosofia da matemática (fundamentos) : Humans-with-media and the reorganization of mathematical thinking : information and communication technologies, modeling, visualization, and experimentation / Marcelo C. Borba, Mónica E. Villarreal (authors) ; preface by Ubiratan D'Ambrosio ; afterword by Ole Skovsmose
Filosofía Danza : Dance and the corporeal uncanny : philosophy in motion / Philipa Rothfield