Here are entered works on a company's risk of loss that results from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems, or from external events
Financial risk -- Albania : Albania : second and third reviews under the extended arrangement and request for waiver for the nonobservance of performance criterion, waiver of applicability of performance criteria, and rephasing of future disbursements: staff report: press release: and statement by the Executive Director for Albania
Financial risk -- Arab countries : Macroprudential policy in the GCC countries / prepared by Zsofia Arvai, Ananthakrishnan Prasad and Kentaro Katayama
Financial risk -- Asia -- Econometric models : A new look at the determinants of growth in Asian countries / prepared by Manuk Ghazanchyan, Janet G. Stotsky, and Qianqian Zhang
Financial risk -- Australia -- Auditing. : Auditing + assurance : a business risk approach / Christina Jubb, Larry E. Rittenberg, Karla M. Johnstone, Audrey Gamling
Financial risk -- Colombia : Colombia : arrangement under the flexible credit line and cancellation of the current arrangement: press release: staff report: and statement by the Executive Director for Colombia
Financial risk -- Developing countries : Sovereign default risk and private sector access to capital in emerging markets / prepared by Udaibir S. Das, Michael G. Papaioannou, and Christoph Trebesch
Financial risk -- Forecasting : Modeling banking, sovereign, and macro risk in a CCA global VAR / Dale Gray, Marco Gross, Joan Paredes and Matthias Sydow
Financial risk -- Gabon : Gabon : 2015 article IV consultation: press release: staff report: and statement by the Executive Director for Gabon
Financial risk management -- Africa, North : How does bank competition affect solvency, liquidity and credit risk? : evidence from the MENA countries / prepared by Raja Almarzoqi, Sami Ben Naceur, and Alessandro D. Scopelliti
Financial risk management -- Africa, Sub-Saharan : Systemic risk assessment in low income countries : balancing financial stability and development / prepared by Daniela Marchettini and Rodolfo Maino