Measuring what matters : allocation, planning, and quality assessment for the Ryan White Care Act / Committee on the Ryan White CARE Act: Data for Resource Allocation, Planning and Evaluation, Board on Health Promotion and Disease Prevention
""Front Matter""; ""Reviewers""; ""Acknowledgments""; ""Contents""; ""Executive Summary""; ""1 Introduction""; ""2 Overview of the HIV/AIDS Epidemic and the Ryan White CARE Act""; ""3 Public Health and HIV/AIDS Surveillance""; ""4 HIV Reporting Data and Title I and II Formulas""; ""5 Estimating Resource Needs""; ""6 Measuring Quality of Care""; ""7 Findings and Recommendations""; ""Appendixes""; ""A Acronyms""; ""B Financial Resources of States for HIV/AIDS Reporting""; ""C Analyses of the Sensitivity of the Formula Allocations to Underlying Changes in Input Data""
""D Methodological Details of HCSUS Analyses""""E Tables of HIV/AIDS Quality Measures from Selected Sources""; ""F Biographies""