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Author Curson, H. (Henry), author.

Title The law concerning estates taile : and remainders and reversions expectant thereupon, illustrated. The Statute De Donis Conditionalibus, and what Estates of Inheritance may be Intailed, and what may not be Intailed: With the Conveniencies and Inconveniencies arising thereby, Explained and Demonstrated. The doctrine of perpetuities fully cleared. And the Nature, Operation, and Use of Fines, in destroying of Estates Taile, and of Recoveries in Barring Remainders and Reversions, Approved. With Variety of Authentick Precedents, and Select Cases proper to each Particular, and General Cases Applicable to the whole / by H. Curson of the Inner Temple
Published London : Richard Sare at Grays-Inn Gate in Holborn, 1703
London : Printed by the assigns of Richard and Edward Atkins Esquires
