Fireworks -- Washington (State) -- Suquamish : Boomtown / a Mixed Greens and Sweetspot Pictures Production ; written, produced and directed by Bryan Gunnar Cole ; producer, Selina Lewis Davidson ; co-producer, Manuel Sanchez-Rodriguez
--subdivision Dismissal of under occupational groups and types of employees; and subdivision Officials and employees--Dismissal of under names of countries, cities, etc., and under individual government departments, agencies, etc
Firing regulations United States Army : Combined army publications : (Manual for courts-martial, Rules of land warfare, Field service regulations, Small arms firing manual, Manual of interior guard duty, Uniform regulations) / by Major James A. Moss
Firipin-Seiji gyōsei. : Moral politics in the Philippines : inequality, democracy and the urban poor / Wataru Kusaka
Firkowitsch, Abraham, 1786-1874. : Jewish-Muslim intellectual history entangled : textual materials from the Firkovitch Collection, Saint Petersburg. / edited by Camilla Adang, Bruno Chiesa, Omar Hamdan, Wilferd Madelung, Sabine Schmidtke and Jan Thiele
Firma J.A. Topf & Söhne -- Employees : Between persecution and participation : biography of a bookkeeper at J.A. Topf & Söhne / Annegret Schüle and Tobias Sowade ; translated from the German by Penny Milbouer
Firma Motiv : Fictions Inc. : the corporation in postmodern fiction, film, and popular culture / Ralph Clare
Firma (nazwa) -- godła. : Logo design workbook : a hands-on guide to creating logos / Sean Adams & Noreen Morioka with Terry Stone ; designed by Sean Adams & Jennifer Hopkins
Firmenich (Firm) : Undertaking marketing research for low-income consumers in India : a Firmenich initiative / Ardhendu Shekhar Singh, Dilip Ambarkhane & Bhama Venkataramani
Firmin, Giles, 1614-1697. : Giles Firmin and the transatlantic Puritan tradition : polity, piety, and polemic / by Jonathan Warren Pagán
Firmin, Joseph-Anténor, 1850-1911. : Reconstructing the Social Sciences and Humanities : Anténor Firmin, Western Intellectual Tradition, and Black Atlantic Tradition