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Title Macromedia Fireworks 4 : using Fireworks / [writing: Lynn Flink ... and others]
Edition First edition
Published San Francisco, Calif. : Macromedia, [2000]


Location Call no. Vol. Availability
 W'PONDS  006.6869 Firewo Mac/Mff  AVAILABLE
Description 423 pages : illustrations ; 23 cm
Contents Ch. 1. Tutorial. -- ch. 2. Fireworks basics. -- ch. 3. Setting up a Fireworks document. -- ch. 4. Working with objects. -- ch. 5. Working with vector objects. -- ch. 6. Working with bitmaps. -- ch. 7. Using text. -- ch. 8. Applying colors, stokes, and fills. -- ch. 9. Adusting color and tone. -- ch. 10. Applying live effects. -- ch. 11. Layers and masking. -- ch. 12. Using libraries, styles, and URLs. -- ch. 13. Creating buttons and navigation bars. -- ch. 14. using hotspots and slices. -- ch. 15. Creating rollovers. -- ch. 16. Creating animation. -- ch. 17. Optimizing graphics. -- ch. 18. Exporting. -- ch. 19. Using Dreamweaver and Fireworks together. -- ch. 20. Automating repetitive tasks. -- ch. 21. Fireworks for Photoshop Users. -- ch. 22. Fireworks HTML
Notes Includes index
SUBJECT Fireworks (Computer file)
Subject Computer graphics.
Author Flink, Lynn.
Macromedia (Firm)
Other Titles Using Fireworks