Fishing surveys -- Australia -- South Australia. : The impact of commercial hauling nets and recreational line fishing on the survival of undersize King George Whiting (Sillaginodes punctata) / Martin S. Kumar, Roger Hill, Debra Partington
Fishing surveys -- Davies Reef [Qld.] : Development of trap and drop-line sampling techniques for reef fishes / D.McB. Williams, A.J. Fowler and S.J. Newman
Fishing surveys -- Methodology. : Angler survey methods and their applications in fisheries management / Kenneth H. Pollock, Cynthia M. Jones, Tommy L. Brown
Fishing surveys -- Methodology -- Congresses. : Creel and angler surveys in fisheries management : proceedings of the International Symposium and Workshop on Creel and Angler Surveys in Fisheries Management, held at Houston, Texas, USA, 26-31 March 1990 / edited by Dan Guthrie ... [and others]
Fishing surveys -- Statistical methods. : Angler survey methods and their applications in fisheries management / Kenneth H. Pollock, Cynthia M. Jones, Tommy L. Brown
Fishing surveys -- United States : Freshwater recreational fishing : the national benefits of water pollution control / William J. Vaughan and Clifford S. Russell
Fishing tackle -- Environmental aspects. : Sources and implications of lead ammunition and fishing tackle on natural resources / the Wildlife Society ; American Fisheries Society ; Technical Review Committee on Lead in the Environment, Barnett A. Rattner ... [and others]
Fishing -- Texas -- History. : Wildlife and man in Texas : environmental change and conservation / by Robin W. Doughty
Fishing -- Texas -- Laguna Madre : Fishes of the Texas Laguna Madre : a guide for anglers & naturalists / David A. McKee ; illustrations by Henry Compton & Janice D. Fechhelm
Fishing Torres Strait Islanders Management : A voice in all places : Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander interests in Australia's coastal zone / consultancy report by Dermot Smyth
Fishing trawler. : Une exploration des impacts potentiels des règles de l'OMC sur les subventions à la pêche : Le cas de la pêcherie de sardinelles en Afrique de l'Ouest / Dyhia Belhabib
Fishing -- United States -- Anecdotes : The jon boat years : and other stories afield with fine friends, fair dogs, a shotgun, and a fly rod / Jim Mize ; foreword by Jim Casada ; drawings by Bob White
Fishing -- United States -- Congresses. : Urban and community fisheries programs : development, management, and evaluation / edited by Richard T. Eades ... [and others]