Fixed-income securities -- Pacific Area. : Asia-Pacific fixed income markets : an analysis of the region's money, bond and interest derivative markets / Jonathan Batten, Thomas A. Fetherston
Fixed-income securities -- Poland : The Polish fixed-income securities market : recent developments and selected policy challenges / Michel Noel, Noritaka Akamatsu, and W. Jan Brzeski
Fixed-income securities -- Thailand : Thailand : financial sector assessment program : technical note : fixed income markets / [International Monetary Fund, Monetary and Capital Markets Dept. ; World Bank, Financial and Private Sector Development Vice Presidency, East Asia and Pacific Region Vice Presidency]
Here are entered works on prison sentences that have a length determined according to a classification of felony categories and that generally must be served in full, without parole
Fiziko-tekhnicheskiĭ institut im. A.F. Ioffe. / : The spirit of Russian science / Michael Levinshtein ; translated by Minna M. Perelman