Flugzeugkabine : The airliner cabin environment : air quality and safety / Committee on Airliner Cabin Air Quality, Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology, Commission on Life Sciences, National Research Council
The balance of fluid in the BODY FLUID COMPARTMENTS; total BODY WATER; BLOOD VOLUME; EXTRACELLULAR SPACE; INTRACELLULAR SPACE, maintained by processes in the body that regulate the intake and excretion of WATER and ELECTROLYTES, particularly SODIUM and POTASSIUM
A watery fluid that is continuously produced in the CHOROID PLEXUS and circulates around the surface of the BRAIN; SPINAL CORD; and in the CEREBRAL VENTRICLES
A watery fluid that is continuously produced in the CHOROID PLEXUS and circulates around the surface of the BRAIN; SPINAL CORD; and in the CEREBRAL VENTRICLES
A CHROMATOGRAPHY method using supercritical fluid, usually carbon dioxide under very high pressure (around 73 atmospheres or 1070 psi at room temperature) as the mobile phase. Other solvents are sometimes added as modifiers. This is used both for analytical (SFC) and extraction (SFE) purposes
Fluid dynamics Automobiles Motors : Predicting Flow-Induced Acoustics at Near-Stall Conditions in an Automotive Turbocharger Compressor : a Numerical Approach / by Roberto Navarro García
Fluid dynamics Bioreactors : An introduction to bioreactor hydrodynamics and gas-liquid mass transfer / Enes Kadic, Theodore J. Heindel
Fluid dynamics -- Computer simulation. : FLOMANIA : a European initiative on flow physics modelling : results of the European-Union funded project, 2002-2004 / Werner Haase [and others] (editors)
Fluid dynamics -- Data processing -- Congresses : Parallel computational fluid dynamics : trends and applications : proceedings of the Parallel CFD 2000 Conference, Trondheim, Norway (May 22-25, 2000) / edited by C.B. Jenssen [and others]
Fluid dynamics Environmental hydraulics Data processing : Computational fluid dynamics : applications in water, wastewater, and stormwater treatment : EWRI computational fluid dynamics task committee / edited by Xiaofeng Liu, Ph. D., PE, Jie Zhang, Ph. D. ; sponsored by the Water Supply, Treatment and Distribution Engineering Committee and the Water, Wastewater & Stormwater Council of The Environmental and Water Resources Institute of The American Society of Civil Engineers
Fluid dynamics -- Experiments : Flow and heat and mass transfer in laminar and turbulent mist gas-droplets stream over a flat plate / Victor I. Terekhov, Maksim A. Pakhomov
Fluid dynamics Fire prevention : Computational fluid dynamics in fire engineering : theory, modelling and practice / edited by Guan Heng Yeoh and Kwok Kit Yuen
Fluid dynamics Food : Computational fluid dynamics in food processing / edited by Da-Wen Sun
Fluid dynamics Fuel : Flow and combustion in reciprocating engines / C. Arcoumanis, T. Kamimoto, editors