A chronic endemic form of hypoplasia of the dental enamel caused by drinking water with a high fluorine content during the time of tooth formation, and characterized by defective calcification that gives a white chalky appearance to the enamel, which gradually undergoes brown discoloration. (Jablonski's Dictionary of Dentistry, 1992, p286)
Fluorosis -- Australia -- Statistics : Oral health of Australian children : the National Child Oral Health Study 2012-14 / edited by Loc G. Do and A. John Spencer
Fluorspar -- Industrial applications : New research trends of fluorite-based oxide materials : from basic chemistry and materials science to engineering applications / editors, Akio Nakamura (Advanced Science Research Center, Japan Atomic Energy Agency, Ibaraki, Japan) and Junichiro Mizusaki (Inst. Multidisciplinary Research for Advanced Materials, Tohoku Univ., Sendai, Japan)
Fluorspar industry : The fluorspar mines of Newfoundland : their history and the epidemic of radiation lung cancer / John R. Martin
Fluoxetine -- adverse effects. : Let them eat Prozac : the unhealthy relationship between the pharmaceutical industry and depression / David Healy
Fluoxetine -- Anecdotes. : Living with Prozac and other selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) : personal accounts of life on antidepressants / edited by Debra Elfenbein ; [foreword by Peter D. Kramer]
Fluoxetine -- history : Before Prozac : the troubled history of mood disorders in psychiatry / Edward Shorter
Flush Hiaasen, Carl : Literary newsmakers for students. Volume 3 : presenting analysis, context, and criticism on newsmaking novels, nonfiction, and poetry / [project editor, Anne Marie Hacht]
Fluss Mathematik : Three-dimensional flows / Vítor Araújo, Maria José Pacifico
Fluss Motiv : Rivermen : a romantic iconography of the river and the source / Frederic S. Colwell
Flussaal : Eels and humans / Katsumi Tsukamoto, Mari Kuroki, editors
Flussbau : Rivers by design : state power and the origins of U.S. flood control / Karen M. O'Neill
Flussdiagramm : Rule-Outs für die Kleintiermedizin : Problemorientierte Aufarbeitung von internistischen Befunden / Katrin Hartmann, Gregor Berg, Stefanie Schmid (Hrsg.) ; unter Mitarbeit von Roswitha Dorsch [and others]
Flüssiger Brennstoff : Liquid transportation fuels from coal and biomass : technological status, costs, and environmental impacts / America's Energy Future Panel on Alternative Liquid Transportation Fuels, National Academy of Sciences, National Academy of Engineering, National Research Council of the National Acadamies