Food contamination -- Europe -- Prevention : Bees in Europe and Sustainable Honey Production (BEE SHOP) : results of a Pan-European research network / Dieter Behrens and Robin F.A. Moritz, editors
Food contamination -- Government policy : Food poisoning, policy, and politics : corned beef and typhoid in Britain in the 1960s / David F. Smith and H. Lesley Diack with T. Hugh Pennington and Elizabeth M. Russell
Food contamination -- Government policy -- Great Britain : Food poisoning, policy, and politics : corned beef and typhoid in Britain in the 1960s / David F. Smith and H. Lesley Diack with T. Hugh Pennington and Elizabeth M. Russell
Food contamination -- History. : Swindled : from poison sweets to counterfeit coffee : the dark history of the food cheats / Bee Wilson
Food contamination -- India : Toxins and contaminants in Indian food products / Ramesh Kumar Sharma, Salvatore Parisi
Food contamination -- Japan : Radiation brain moms and citizen scientists : the gender politics of food contamination after the Fukushima / Aya Hirata Kimura
Food contamination -- Law and legislation -- Australia. : Health, politics, trade : controlling chemical residues in agricultural products : a report to the Prime Minister / by the Australian Science and Technology Council (ASTEC)
Food contamination -- United States -- Prevention -- Congresses : Improving food safety through a one health approach : workshop summary / Eileen R. Choffnes [and others], rapporteurs ; Forum on Microbial Threats, Board on Global Health, Institute of Medicine of the National Academies
The presence in food of harmful, unpalatable, or otherwise objectionable foreign substances, e.g. chemicals, microorganisms or diluents, before, during, or after processing or storage
Here are entered economic works on the availability of food. Works on the physical and economic access to adequate food are entered under Food security --subdivision Food supply under individual wars, e.g. World War, 1939-1945--Food supply
Food cooperatives -- Australia. : Everybody's business : remote Aboriginal and Torres Strait community stores / House of Representatives Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Affairs Committee
Food cooperatives -- Canada : Grocery story : the promise of food co-ops in the age of grocery giants / Jon Steinman