Food security -- Guatemala : Tracking promises : analyzing the impact of Feed the Future in Guatemala / Reid Hamel
Food security -- Haiti : After the storm : Haiti's coming food crisis / Athena Kolbe, Marie Puccio and Robert Muggah
Food security -- Handbooks, manuals, etc : The handbook of plant biosecurity : principles and practices for the identification, containment and control of organisms that threaten agriculture and the environment globally / Gordon Gordh, Simon McKirdy, editors
Food security -- India -- Case studies : How to Scale Up Food Banking Through Multi-Stakeholder Partnerships : The Case of the India FoodBanking Network / Priyanka Jayashankar
Food security -- Japan : Urban food deserts in Japan / Nobuyuki Iwama, Tatsuto Asakawa, Koichi Tanaka, Midori Sasaki, Nobuhiko Komaki, Masashi Ikeda
Food security -- Japan -- History : Rice, agriculture, and the food supply in premodern Japan / Charlotte von Verschuer ; translated and edited by Wendy Cobcroft
Food security -- Latin America : Water for food security and well-being in Latin America and the Caribbean : social and environmental implications for a globalized economy / edited by Bárbara A. Willaarts, Alberto Garrido, M. Ramón Llamas
Food security -- Mexico : TERRITORIOS, SEGURIDAD Y SOBERANIA ALIMENTARIA retos para el futuro / José Luis Plata Vázquez, Fuensanta Medina Martínez, Agustín Ávila Méndez (coordinadores) ; antecedido por un homenaje y dedicatoria a José Barón Larios
Food security -- Middle East -- Congresses : Climate change and food security in West Asia and North Africa / Mannava V.K. Sivakumar, Rattan Lal, Ramasamy Selvaraju, Ibrahim Hamdan, Editors