Forman, James, 1967- : Innocent until proven guilty / Big Mouth Productions presents a film by Kirsten Johnson ; directed by Kirsten Johnson ; produced by Julia Pimsleur, Katy Chevigny
Forman, Miloš -- Interviews : Hollywood's best film directors. Season 3, Episode 4, Milos Forman / [a Prime Entertainment Group Production] ; [produced in association with OTM Productions] ; [created by David Freydt, Mark Kaplan]
Forman, Paul. : Weimar culture and quantum mechanics : selected papers by Paul Forman and contemporary perspectives on the Forman thesis / Cathryn Carson, Alexei Kojevnikov, Helmuth Trischler, editors
Forman, Ruth. : Something about the author. Volume 186 / Lisa Kumar, project editor
Formas modulares -- Congresos : Perfectoid spaces / Debargha Banerjee, Kiran S. Kedlaya, Ehud de Shalit, Chitrabhanu Chaudhuri, editors
Formas Processuais. : Cases and materials on code pleading : including the Federal rules of civil procedure / by Edson R. Sunderland, professor emeritus of law and legal research, University of Michigan
Format Notes (Cataloging) : Notes worth noting : notes used in AACR2 serials cataloging / compiled by Jim E. Cole and David E. Griffin, with the assistance of Dorothy E. Cole