Fortification -- Australia -- New South Wales -- Sydney Harbour : Extracts from my diary : being an account of the preparations for, and successful accomplishment of, an attack on Sydney Harbour / by a Russian naval captain serving with the fleet. With notes and suggestions and a preface by a Colonist
Fortification -- Australia -- Victoria -- Point Nepean : Point Nepean National Park fortifications : conservation plan prepared for Department of Conservation, Forests and Lands / Historic Buildings Branch, Ministry of Housing and Construction Victoria
Fortification -- Austria -- 19th century : The forts and fortifications of Europe, 1815-1945 : the central states : Germany, Austria-Hungary and Czechoslovakia / J.E. Kaufmann and H.W. Kaufmann
Fortification -- Austria -- 20th century : The forts and fortifications of Europe, 1815-1945 : the central states : Germany, Austria-Hungary and Czechoslovakia / J.E. Kaufmann and H.W. Kaufmann
Fortification -- Czechoslovakia -- 19th century : The forts and fortifications of Europe, 1815-1945 : the central states : Germany, Austria-Hungary and Czechoslovakia / J.E. Kaufmann and H.W. Kaufmann
Fortification -- Czechoslovakia -- 20th century : The forts and fortifications of Europe, 1815-1945 : the central states : Germany, Austria-Hungary and Czechoslovakia / J.E. Kaufmann and H.W. Kaufmann
Fortification -- England -- Wallsend : Segedunum : excavations by Charles Daniels in the Roman fort at Wallsend (1975-1984) / by A. Rushworth ; with contributions by M.C. Bishop, I.D. Caruana, C.M. Daniels, P. Moffat ; illustrated by C. MacRae, M. Johnstone
Fortification -- Eretz Israel. : Yotvata : the Zeʼev Meshel excavations (1974-1980) : the Iron I "fortress" and the early Islamic settlement / Lily Singer-Avitz and Etan Ayalon ; with contributions by Zohar Amar [and 29 others]