Fortune family. : After war times : an African American childhood in reconstruction-era Florida / T. Thomas Fortune ; edited by Daniel R. Weinfeld ; introduction by Dawn J. Herd-Clark ; afterword by Tameka Bradley Hobbs
Fortune -- Middle East -- History -- Congresses : Fortune and misfortune in the Ancient Near East : proceedings of the 60th Rencontre assyriologique internationale at Warsaw 21-25 July 2014 / edited by Olga Drewnowska and Małgorzata Sandowicz
Fortune-tellers : The warrior's gift : a novel / by Mack Faith
Fortune-tellers -- Biography. : The history of the life and adventures of Mr Duncan Campbell : a gentleman who, though deaf and dumb, writes down any stranger's name at first sight, with their future contingencies of fortune, now living in Exeter Court, over against the Savoy, in the Strand
Fortune-telling by Chinese characters. : Chinese character manipulation in literature and divination : the Zichu by Zhou Lianggong (1612-1672) / by Anne Schmiedl
Fortune-telling by coffee grounds. : Coffee futures / written and directed by Zeynep Devrim Gürsel ; produced by Documentary Educational Resources (DER)
Fortune-telling by dice. : Divining with Achi and Tārā : comparative remarks on Tibetan dice and mālā divination : tools, poetry, structures, and ritual dimensions / translated and introduced by Jan-Ulrich Sobisch ; with contributions by Solvej Hyveled Nielsen
Fortune-telling by dice -- Tibet Region : Divining with Achi and Tārā : comparative remarks on Tibetan dice and mālā divination : tools, poetry, structures, and ritual dimensions / translated and introduced by Jan-Ulrich Sobisch ; with contributions by Solvej Hyveled Nielsen
Fortune-telling by tea leaves -- History : Inside the factory. Series 6, episode 8, Mugs / producer directors, Sam Bailey, Ashley Golder, Ben Rowland ; series director, Gavin Ahern ; series producer, Nicola Lafferty ; Voltage TV for BBC