Fourier series -- Congresses. : Fourier integral operators and partial differential equations : colloque international, Universite de Nice, 1974 / edited by J. Chazarain
Analysis based on the mathematical function first formulated by Jean-Baptiste-Joseph Fourier in 1807. The function, known as the Fourier transform, describes the sinusoidal pattern of any fluctuating pattern in the physical world in terms of its amplitude and its phase. It has broad applications in biomedicine, e.g., analysis of the x-ray crystallography data pivotal in identifying the double helical nature of DNA and in analysis of other molecules, including viruses, and the modified back-projection algorithm universally used in computerized tomography imaging, etc. (From Segen, The Dictionary of Modern Medicine, 1992)
A spectroscopic technique in which a range of wavelengths is presented simultaneously with an interferometer and the spectrum is mathematically derived from the pattern thus obtained
Fournisseurs. : Time for a model change : re-engineering the global automotive industry / Graeme P. Maxton and John Wormald
Fournisseurs d'accès. : Access and identity management for libraries : controlling access to online information / Masha Garibyan, Simon McLeish and John Paschoud