Fracture Wood pellets : ON THE DEGRADATION OF WOOD PELLETS DURING PNEUMATIC CONVEYING experiments and dem-cfd simulations
Fracture Zirconium alloys : The effect of hydrogen and hydrides on the integrity of zirconium alloy components : delayed hydride cracking / Manfred P. Puls
Fractured nursery rhyme : The cow tripped over the moon / written by Tony Wilson ; illustrated by Laura Wood
Fractures, Bone -- nursing. : The skeletal system and the muscular system / edited by Janet T.E. Riddle ; with contributions from Kathleen B. Nicoll, Isabella I. Rowantree
Fractures chez l'enfant -- Chirurgie. : Diagnosis and treatment of traumatic injuries to the pediatric craniofacial skeleton / [edited by] Charles E. Moore
Fractures Clavicle Case studies : Sports medicine in the pediatric office. Chapter 4, Shoulder injuries. Case files -- shoulder injuries. Shoulder case 1, Clavicle fracture / [produced by American Academy of Pediatrics]
Fractures Extremities (Anatomy) : Emergency orthopedics : the extremities / Robert R. Simon, Scott C. Sherman, Steven J. Koenigsknecht ; with illustrations by Susan Gilbert
Fractures due to the strain caused by repetitive exercise. They are thought to arise from a combination of MUSCLE FATIGUE and bone failure, and occur in situations where BONE REMODELING predominates over repair. The most common sites of stress fractures are the METATARSUS; FIBULA; TIBIA; and FEMORAL NECK