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France. Corps législatif (1852-1870) -- See Also France. Assemblée nationale (1871-1942)

France Correctional institutions History : Surveiller et punir : naissance de la prison / Michel Foucault  1975 1
France Corrections Philosophy : Prison or deportation : "Botany Bay" and the French penal debate 1814-32. Part I / Colin Forster  1990 1
France Corruption Fiction : Bel-Ami / Guy de Maupassant ; translated with an introduction by Douglas Parmée  1975 1
France -- Corsica   26
France Cosmetics Economic aspects : Crèmes anti-âge : coup de jeune ou coup de bluff? / une production, Giraf Prod ; avec la participation de France télévisions ; un film de Aurore Belser ; réalisatrice, Aurore Belser ; productrice, Géraldine Levasseur  2012 1
France Cosmetics industry : Crèmes anti-âge : coup de jeune ou coup de bluff? / une production, Giraf Prod ; avec la participation de France télévisions ; un film de Aurore Belser ; réalisatrice, Aurore Belser ; productrice, Géraldine Levasseur  2012 1
France Cosmetics industry History : Selling beauty : cosmetics, commerce, and French society, 1750-1830 / Morag Martin  2009 1
France Cosmetics industry Periodicals   6
France Cosmetics Periodicals   3
France Cosmopolitanism Paris History 18th century : Cosmopolitan patriots : Americans in Paris in the age of revolution / Philipp Ziesche  2010 1
France Costs (Law) : Les cinq codes, nouvelle edition, entierement conforme a l'edition de l'Imprimerie royale : avec des notes qui relatent les diverses abrogations et modifications y apportees par des lois subsequentes, telles que celles qui abolissent le divorce, le droit d'aubaine ; la Loi sur le jury, du 24 mai 1821, la loi du 25 juin 1824, contenant diverses modifications au Code Penal : precedee de la Charte constitutionnelle, et suivie du tarif des frais et depens en matieres civile et criminelle, et du tableau dos distances  1824 1
France Costume : Art deco fashion : French designers 1908-1925  1974 1
France Costume design   4
France Costume design 20th century : Erté (Romain de Tirtoff) / text by Roland Barthes, with an extract from Erté's memoirs ; translation by William Weaver  1972 1
France Costume design Exhibitions : The fashion world of Jean Paul Gaultier : from the sidewalk to the catwalk / edited by Thierry-Maxime Loriot ; [translation, Valentina Baslyk and others]  2011 1
France Costume design History : Paul Poiret / Alice Mackrell  1990 1
France Costume design History 20th century   3
France Costume design History 20th century Exhibitions : Christian Dior : the magic of fashion / presented by the Powerhouse Museum in association with Christian Dior, Paris and the Union Française des Arts du Costume, Paris  1994 1
France Costume design Paris 20th century   2
France Costume design Paris History 20th century   5
France Costume designers   4
France Costume designers Biography   2
France Costume designers Paris   2
France Costume designers Paris Biography   3
France Costume designers Paris Interviews : CNN style. Paris / Cable News Network  2016 1
France Costume History 17th century : The culture of clothing : dress and fashion in the ancien regime / Daniel Roche ; translated by Jean Birrell  1994 1
France Costume History 18th century : The culture of clothing : dress and fashion in the ancien regime / Daniel Roche ; translated by Jean Birrell  1994 1
France Costume History 20th century : A fashion for extravagance : art deco fabrics and fashions / Sara Bowman ; photographs, Michel Molinare  1985 1
France Costume History Medieval, 500-1500 : The performance of self : ritual, clothing, and identity during the Hundred Years War / Susan Crane  2002 1
France Costume museums Paris : Elements of style. Volume 2, Episode 4, Musées du style / by Videofashion  2006 1
France Côte d'Ivoire Foreign economic relations : African miracle, African mirage : transnational politics and the paradox of modernization in Ivory Coast / Abou B. Bamba  2016 1
France Côte d'Ivoire Relations economiques exterieures : African miracle, African mirage : transnational politics and the paradox of modernization in Ivory Coast / Abou B. Bamba  2016 1
France -- Côte-d'Or   3
France -- Cotignac : Marian apparitions. Cotignac / Cat Productions et KTO présentent ; un film de Armand Isnard ; réalisation, Armand Isnard  2002 1
France Councils and synods History   2
France Councils and synods History Sources : Concilia / edidit Societas Aperiendis Fontibvs rervm Germanicarvm Medii Aevi  1924 1
France Councils and synods History To 1500 : A sacred kingdom : bishops and the rise of Frankish kingship, 300-850 / Michael Edward Moore  2011 1
France Counter-Reformation   3
France Counterculture Paris   2
France Counterfeits and counterfeiting Law and legislation History 18th century : Le livre, le droit et le faux : essai sur l'édition juridique et la contrefaçon au Siècle des Lumières / Sébastien Évrard  2017 1
France Counterrevolutionaries History 18th century : Mirabeau et Sieyès : La Révolution et la Contre-Révolution / Louis-Hyacinthe-Céleste Damoiseau  2016 1
France Counterrevolutionaries Paris History 19th century : Controlling Paris : armed forces and counter-revolution, 1789-1848 / Jonathan M. House  2014 1
France Counterrevolutions History 19th century : The making of a fiscal-military state in post-revolutionary France / Jerome Greenfield  2022 1
France Countesses Biography : Constance of France : womanhood and agency in twelfth-century Europe / Myra Miranda Bom  2022 1
France Countesses Champagne-Ardenne Biography Sources : The cartulary of Countess Blanche of Champagne / edited by Theodore Evergates  2010 1
France Country homes Touraine : The Tuileries brochures : a series of monographs on European architecture, with special reference to roofs of tile  1939 1
France Country life   2
France Country life Berry Fiction : Mauprat / by George Sand ; translated from the French by Stanley Young ; critical introd. by John Oliver Hobbes ; note by Edmund Gosse ; with a new chronology of her life and work  1977 1
France Country life Fiction : A trip to the country / by Henriette-Julie de Castelnau, Comtesse de Murat ; edited and translated by Perry Gethner and Allison Stedman ; introduction by Allison Stedman  2011 1
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