Frankrike Politisk kultur historia : The French Republic : history, values, debates / edited by Edward Berenson, Vincent Duclert, and Christophe Prochasson
Frankrike Politisk teori historia : French political thought from Montesquieu to Tocqueville : liberty in a levelled society? / Annelien de Dijn
Frankrike Poststrukturalism : Poststructuralist discourse analysis : subjectivity in enunciative pragmatics / Johannes Angermuller, University of Warwick, UK
Frankrike Rasism : The politics of the veil / Joan Wallach Scott
Frankrike Religionsfilosofi : Reason fulfilled by revelation : the 1930s Christian philosophy debates in France / edited and translated by Gregory B. Sadler
Frankrike Republikanism historia : The French Republic : history, values, debates / edited by Edward Berenson, Vincent Duclert, and Christophe Prochasson
Frankrike Slavhandel : The French Atlantic triangle : literature and culture of the slave trade / Christopher L. Miller
Frankrike Socialantropologi metodik historia : Out of the study and into the field : ethnographic theory and practice in French anthropology / edited by Robert Parkin and Anne de Sales
Frankrike Spritdrycker handel 1600-talet : A spirited exchange : the wine and brandy trade between France and the Dutch Republic in its Atlantic framework, 1600-1650 / by Henriette de Bruyn Kops
Frankrike Stadssociologi : Urban outcasts : a comparative sociology of advanced marginality / Loïc Wacquant
Frankrike Vattenföroreningar : Environmental assessment of estuarine ecosystems : a case study / edited by Claude Amiard-Triquet, Philip S. Rainbow
Frankrike Vinhandel 1600-talet : A spirited exchange : the wine and brandy trade between France and the Dutch Republic in its Atlantic framework, 1600-1650 / by Henriette de Bruyn Kops
Franks, Augustus Wollaston, 1826-1897. : A.W. Franks : nineteenth-century collecting and the British Museum / edited by Marjorie Caygill and John Cherry
Franks -- Ethnic identity -- History : History, Frankish identity and the framing of Western ethnicity, 550-850 / Helmut Reimitz (Princeton University)