Here are entered works on the concept, closely related to that of the traditional notion of subject and predicate, that most sentences consist of two basic elements, the subject that is announced and the statement that is made about it --subdivision Topic and comment under individual languages and groups of languages, e.g. English language--Topic and comment
Functionalism (Architecture) -- Designs and plans. : Candilis-Josic-Woods : a decade of architecture and urban design / [transl. into Engl. by James C. Palmes ; trad. en français par François Kerschkamp ; übertr. ins Dt., Nora von Mühlendahl]
Functionalism (Architecture) -- Europe, Central. : East European modernism : architecture in Czechoslovakia, Hungary, and Poland between the wars / edited with introduction and essays by Wojciech Lesnikowski ; essays by Vladimir Slapeta ... [and others]
Functionalism (Architecture) -- France -- Marseille : Le Corbusier : l'Unité d'habitation de Marseille = the Unité d'Habitation in Marseilles / et les autres Unités d'habitation à Rezé-les-Nantes, Berlin, Briey en Forêt et Firminy ; and the four other unité blocks in Rezé-les-Nantes, Berlin, Briey en Forêt et Firminy
Functionalism (Linguistics) -- History : Continuing discourse on language : a functional perspective / edited by Ruqaiya Hasan, Christian Matthiessen and Jonathan Webster