Garawa (Australian people) -- Genealogy. : Garawa/Mugularrangu (Robinson River) land claim / findings, recommendation and report of the Aboriginal Land Commissioner, Mr Justice Olney, to the Minister of Aboriginal Affairs and to the Administrator of the Northern Territory
Garbage incineration : Health effects of municipal waste incineration / editors, Holly A. Hattemer-Frey and Curtis Travis
Garbage (Musical group) / : Contemporary musicians. Volume 55 : profiles of the people in music / Angela M. Pilchak, project editor
Here are entered works on those who pick up rags and refuse from the streets, public dumps, etc., as a means of livelihood
Garbage Project : Rubbish! : the archaeology of garbage / William Rathje and Cullen Murphy
Garbage Project (University of Arizona) / : Rubbish! : the archaeology of garbage / William Rathje and Cullen Murphy
Garber, Jan : Lonesome roads and streets of dreams : place, mobility, and race in jazz of the 1930s and '40s / Andrew S. Berish
Garber, Klaus. : Regionaler Kulturraum und intellektuelle Kommunikation vom Humanismus bis ins Zeitalter des Internet : Festschrift für Klaus Garber / hrsg. von Axel E. Walter
Garbo, Greta, 1905-1990 -- Drama : Meeting two queens / Amtea Audiovisuales production ; direction & script by Cecilia Barriga ; production by J.C. de la Mata
Garça (Ship) : Further selections from the tragic history of the sea, 1559-1565 : narratives of the shipwrecks of the Portuguese East Indiamen Aguia and Garca (1559) Sao Paulo (1561) and the misadventures of the Brazil-ship Santo Antonio (1565) / translated and edited from the original Portuguese by C.R. Boxer
GARCH model -- Study and teaching : Learn about the generalized autoregressive conditional heteroskedasticity (GARCH) model in R with data from the DJIA 30 stock time series (2018) / Feng Shi
GARCH-Prozess : Bootstrapping stationary ARMA-GARCH models / Kenichi Shimizu ; with a foreword by Jens-Peter Kreiss
Garcia, Angel -- Trials, litigation, etc : Trial of the twelve Spanish pirates of the Schooner Panda, a Guinea slaver : consisting of Don Pedro Gibert, captain, Bernardo de Soto, mate, Francisco Ruiz, carpenter, Antonio Ferrer, the tattooed cook, Nicola Costa, Manuel Boyga, Domingo de Guzman, Juan Antonio Portana, Manuel Castillo, Angel Garcia, Jose Velazquez, and Juan Montenegro, seamen, for robbery and piracy, committed on board the Brig Mexican, 20th Sept. 1832