Gardening -- Sahara : Des jardins au sahara : carnets dafrique dun jardinier voyageur
GARDENING -- Shrubs. : Shrubs and woody vines of Indiana and the Midwest : identification, wildlife values, and landscaping use / Sally S. Weeks and Harmon P. Weeks, Jr. ; with a foreword by Michael Homoya
Gardening -- Study and teaching (Elementary) : The school garden curriculum : an integrated K-8 guide for discovering science, ecology, and whole-systems thinking / Kaci Rae Christopher
Gardening to attract wildlife -- Australia -- Western Australia. : Bring back the butterflies : butterfly gardening for Western Australians / Robert W. Hay ... [and others] ; edited by Terry F. Houston on behalf of the Western Australian Insect Study Society
Gardening -- Tropics. : Top plants for tropical gardens / Helen Miller, Richard Ratcliffe ; commissioned by Royal Australian Air Force ; prepared by Australian Construction Services
Here are entered works on home greenhouse plant culture. Works on the commercial growing of plants in greenhouses and on the management of the greenhouses themselves are entered under Greenhouse management
Gardening -- United States : Growing cities / Elmwood Motion Pictures presents ; a film by Dan Susman ; directed by Dan Susman ; written & produced by Dan Suman, Andrew Monbouquette ; producers, Audrey Paulman, David Hauser, Merril Smith, Rock Shaink