Gary Puckett and the Union Gap. / : Contemporary musicians. Volume 45 : profiles of the people in music / Angela M. Pilchak, project editor
Gary, Romain : Romain Gary : the man who sold his shadow / Ralph Schoolcraft
Garza, Joseph Rafael de la, 1838-1864 -- Correspondence : Tejanos in gray : Civil War letters of Captains Joseph Rafael de La Garza and Manuel Yturri / edited and with an introduction by Jerry Thompson ; translations by José Roberto Juárez
Here are entered works on the manufacture of gas. Works on industries based on natural or manufactured gas are entered under Gas industry. Works on municipal or other agencies that distribute gas to consumers are entered under Gas companies
Small encapsulated gas bubbles (diameters of micrometers) that can be used as CONTRAST MEDIA, and in other diagnostic and therapeutic applications. Upon exposure to sufficiently intense ultrasound, microbubbles will cavitate, rupture, disappear, release gas content. Such characteristics of the microbubbles can be used to enhance diagnostic tests, dissolve blood clots, and deliver drugs or genes for therapy
Small encapsulated gas bubbles (diameters of micrometers) that can be used as CONTRAST MEDIA, and in other diagnostic and therapeutic applications. Upon exposure to sufficiently intense ultrasound, microbubbles will cavitate, rupture, disappear, release gas content. Such characteristics of the microbubbles can be used to enhance diagnostic tests, dissolve blood clots, and deliver drugs or genes for therapy