Gender HIV infections Africa, Sub-Saharan : HIV/AIDS, gender, and rural livelihoods in sub-Saharan Africa : an overview and annotated bibliography / Tanja R. Müller
Gender Idenity : Woman's relationship with herself : gender, Foucault and therapy / Helen O'Grady
A person's concept of self as being male and masculine or female and feminine, or ambivalent, based in part on physical characteristics, parental responses, and psychological and social pressures. It is the internal experience of gender role
Gender identity -- Africa, Southern : A reflexive inquiry into gender research : towards a new paradigm of knowledge production & exploring new frontiers of gender research in Southern Africa / edited by Samantha van Schalkwyk and Pumla Gobodo-Madikizela
Gender identity -- Australia -- Anecdotes. : Transgenders and intersexuals : everything you ever wanted to know but couldn't think of the question : a resource book for the general community / Lois May
Gender identity disorder. : Affirmative Mental Health Care for Transgender and Gender Diverse Youth : a Clinical Guide / Aron Janssen, Scott Leibowitz, editors