Machine derived contents note: Introduction -- 1. Principles of screening I: single tests -- 2. Principles of screening II: multiple tests -- Part I: Screening for specific disorders -- 3. Disorders principally affecting the fetus or neonate -- 4. Neural Tube defects -- 5. Down's syndrome -- 6. X-linked disorders -- 7. Tay-Sachs disease -- 8. Genetic haematological disorders -- 9. Cystic fibrosis -- 10. Phenylketonuria and other inherited metabolic defects -- 11. Congenital hypothyroidism -- 12. Congenital dislocation of the hip -- 13. Disorders affecting the mother and the fetus or neonate -- 14. Acquired haematological disorders -- 15. Fetal and neonatal haemolytic disease -- 16. Infections in the fetus and newborn infant -- 17. Maternal and fetal disorders associated with high blood pressure -- Part II: Certain Procedures Used In Screening -- 18. Ultrasound as an ancillary investigation in the management of pregnancy -- 19. Ultrasound scanning for congenital abnormalities -- 20. Amniocentesis and chorionic villus sampling -- 21. Fetal blood and tissue sampling -- 22. Continuous electronic fetal monitoring during labour -- Part III: Wider Issues -- 23. The ethics of anenatal and neonatal sceening -- 24. Conclusions