Description |
1 online resource |
Contents |
Intro; Developmental Neuropathology; Contents; List of Contributors; Introduction; 1 Central Nervous System Manifestations of Chromosomal Change; Introduction; The craniofacial complex; Genetic counseling and the neuropathologist; Autosomal trisomy; Trisomy 8; Trisomy 9; Trisomy 13; Trisomy 18; Trisomy 21; Other autosomal aneuploidies; Triploidy; Tetraploidy; Sex chromosome aneuploidy; Deletions; Deletion 3p-; Deletion 4p-; Deletion 5p-; Deletion 9p-; Deletion 11q-; Deletion 13q-; Deletion 18p-; Deletion 18q-; Deletion 21q-; Duplications; Duplication 3q+; Duplication 9p+ |
Future perspective, conclusionsReferences; 2 Neural Tube Defects; Definition; Normal embryology; Neural tube closure; Development of the skull and vertebral column; Secondary neurulation within the tail bud; Epidemiology; Prevalence; Sex distribution; Non-genetic risk factors; Clinical features; Clinical presentation; Biochemistry and prenatal diagnosis; Differential diagnosis; Pathology; Neural tube closure disorders; Axial mesodermal defects with herniation of the neural tube; Spinal dysraphism: defects of tail bud development; Genetics; Human genetic studies; Mouse genetic studies |
Genetics of occipital encephaloceleAnimal models and pathogenesis; Craniorachischisis; Exencephaly; Myelomeningocele; Treatment, future directions and conclusions; Surgical treatment; Primary prevention; References; 3 Midline Patterning Defects; Definition of the disorder, major synonyms and historical perspective; Embryology of forebrain patterning; Holoprosencephaly; Definition; Synonyms and historical annotations; Epidemiology; Incidence; Genetics; Clinical features including appropriate investigations; Pathology; Pathogenesis and experimental models; Future directions and therapy |
Atelencephaly and aprosencephalyDefinition and synonyms; Genetics; Pathology; Pathogenesis; Agenesis of the corpus callosum; Definition and epidemiology; Genetics; Clinical features including appropriate investigations; Pathology; Differential diagnosis; Embryology, pathogenesis and experimental models; Septo-optic dysplasia; Definition and synonyms; Genetics; Clinical features; Pathology; Differential diagnosis; Embryology, pathogenesis and experimental models; Other midline patterning defects; References; 4 Microcephaly; Definitions, major synonyms and historical perspective |
Normal embryologyEpidemiology; Clinical features; Imaging; Genetics; Autosomal recessive primary microcephaly; Dwarfism associated with microcephaly and DNA repair deficiency syndromes; Chromosomal structural microcephalies; Monogenic syndromic microcephalies; Metabolic microcephalies; Neuropathology; Differential diagnosis; Animal models and pathogenesis; Treatment, future perspectives, conclusions; References; 5 Hemimegalencephaly and Dysplastic Megalencephaly; Definition and synonyms; Epidemiology and genetics; Clinical features and differential diagnosis; Clinical examination |
Bibliography |
Includes bibliographical references and index |
Notes |
Print version record and CIP data provided by publisher |
Subject |
Nervous system -- Diseases
Developmental neurobiology.
Central Nervous System Diseases -- genetics
Central Nervous System Diseases -- pathology
Genetic Diseases, Inborn -- pathology
Nervous System Malformations -- pathology
Nervous System Diseases
Developmental neurobiology
Nervous system -- Diseases
Form |
Electronic book
Author |
Adle-Biassette, Homa, editor
Harding, Brian (Brian N.), editor.
Golden, Jeffrey, 1961- editor
LC no. |
2017051636 |
9781119013099 |
1119013097 |
9781119013105 |
1119013100 |
9781119013112 |
1119013119 |