Genetics -- Study and teaching (Higher) : Improving genetics education in graduate and continuing health professional education : workshop summary / Adam C. Berger, Samuel G. Johnson, Sarah H. Beachy, Steve Olson, rapporteurs ; Roundtable on Translating Genomic-Based Research for Health, Board on Health Sciences Policy, Institute of Medicine of the National Academies
Genetics -- Study and teaching (Higher) -- Congresses : Improving genetics education in graduate and continuing health professional education : workshop summary / Adam C. Berger, Samuel G. Johnson, Sarah H. Beachy, Steve Olson, rapporteurs ; Roundtable on Translating Genomic-Based Research for Health, Board on Health Sciences Policy, Institute of Medicine of the National Academies
genetics Sulfur-Reducing Bacteria : Sulphate-reducing bacteria : environmental and engineered systems / edited by Larry L. Barton and W. Allan Hamilton
Genetics Sunflowers : Genetics, genomics and breeding of sunflower / editors, Jinguo Hu, Gerald Seiler, Chittaranjan Kole
Genetics Sweet potatoes : The Sweetpotato Genome / edited by G. Craig Yencho, Bode A. Olukolu, Sachiko Isobe
Genetics -- Technological innovations : Genetic Science and New Digital Technologies : Science and Technology Studies and Health Praxis / edited by Tina Sikka
genetics Tenericutes : Mollicutes : molecular biology and pathogenesis / edited by Glenn F. Browning, Asia-Pacific Centre for Animal Health Faculty of Veterninary Science, the University of Melbourne Victoria, and Christine Citti, INRA, École Nationale Vétérinaire de Toulouse and UMR 1225 Interactions Hôtes-Agents Pathogènes Toulouse, France
genetics Testicular Neoplasms : Male reproductive cancers : epidemiology, pathology and genetics / William D. Foulkes, Kathleen A. Cooney, editors