Geografisk spridning Barrväxter : An atlas of the world's conifers : an analysis of their distribution, biogeography, diversity, and conservation status / by Aljos Farjon and Denis Filer
geografisk utbredning Växter historia : Where our food comes from : retracing Nikolay Vavilov's quest to end famine / Gary Paul Nabhan ; foreword by Ken Wilson
Géographe (Corvette) / : Voyage of discovery to the southern lands / by François Péron ; continued by Louis de Freycinet ; translated from the French by Christine Cornell
Geographers -- Québec (Province) -- Interviews : La Nordicité du Québec entretiens avec Louis-Edmond Hamelin / ouvrage dirigé par Daniel Chartier et Jean Désy ; avec 16 photographies de Robert Frechette
Geographers -- Training of : Human Geography and Professional Mobility : International Experiences, Critical Reflections, Practical Insights
Here are entered geographical world atlases and geographical atlases limited to a specific place or topic. When subdivided by place, the subdivision designates the place of publication of the atlasFor atlases limited to a specific place or topic, an additional heading in the form [place]--Maps or [topic]--Maps is assigned (e.g., United States--Maps; Real property--Maps)