Geography Adelaide Region (SA) : Five metropolitan creeks of the River Torrens, South Australia : an environmental and historical study / edited by J.W. Warburton
Geography Alligator Rivers Region (N T) : Alligator Rivers study : a review report of the Alligator Rivers Region Environmental Fact-Finding Study / C.S. Christian and J.M. Aldrick
Geography, Ancient -- Congresses : Interpreting transformations of people and landscapes in Late Antiquity and the Early Middle Ages : archaeological approaches and issues / edited by Pilar Diarte-Blasco ; Neil Christie
Geography, Ancient -- Historiography : Memories of Odysseus : frontier tales from ancient Greece / by Francois Hartog ; translated by Janet Lloyd ; [foreword by Paul Cartledge]
Here are entered works on the relationship between geography and art. Works on the representation of elements of geography in art are entered under Geography in art
Geography and literature -- Arctic regions : The mediated Arctic : poetics and politics of contemporary circumpolar geographies / edited by Johannes Riquet ; in collective authorship with (in alphabetical order) Daniel Chartier [and twenty-two others]