Germany Ethnic attitudes North Rhine-Westphalia : Transculturality and perceptions of the immigrant other : "from-heres" and ''come-heres" in Virginia and North Rhine-Westphalia / edited by Cathy Covell Waegner, Page R. Laws and Geoffroy de Laforcade
Germany -- Ethnic relations -- 21st century : Geflüchtetenprotest und Gewerkschaften : Verhandlungen von Repräsentation im deutschen Arbeits- und Migrationsregime / Oskar Ilja Fischer
Germany -- Ethnic relations -- Government policy : Nach der "Willkommenskultur" : Geflüchtete zwischen umkämpfter Teilhabe und zivilgesellschaftlicher Solidarität / Samia Dinkelaker, Nikolai Huke, Olaf Tietje (Hg.)
Germany Ethnocentrism : Antiamerikanismus in Deutschland : Über die Funktion von Amerikabildern in nationalistischer und ethnozentrischer Rhetorik / Felix Knappertsbusch
Germany Ethnological museums and collections : Listening to colonial history echoes of coercive knowledge production in historical sound recordings from Southern Africa / Anette Hoffmann
Germany Ethnological museums and collections Göttingen Catalogs : James Cook : gifts and treasures from the South Seas : the Cook/Forster Collection, Göttingen = Gaben und Schätze aus der Südsee : Die Göttinger Sammlung Cook/Forster / edited by Brigitta Hauser-Schäublin, Gundolf Krüger ; with contributions by Christian F. Feest ... [and others]
Germany EU & European institutions : The new German Jewry and the European context : the return of the European Jewish diaspora / edited by Y. Michal Bodemann
Germany EU & European institutions Poland EU (European Union) : Germany, Poland and the Common Security and Defence Policy : converging security and defence perspectives in an enlarged EU / by Laura Chappell, Lecturer in European Politics, School of Politics, University of Surrey, UK
Germany Eugenics Fiction : Max / Sarah Cohen-Scali ; translated from the French by Penny Hueston