Germany. Schuldverschreibungsgesetz. / : Materielle Schranken der Stimmrechtsmacht im Recht der Unternehmensanleihe
Germany Science History Congresses : Jews and sciences in German contexts : case studies from the 19th and 20th centuries / edited by Ulrich Charpa and Ute Deichmann
Germany Science museums : Architectures 5 / Arte Videó ; Reúnion des Museés Nationaux present ; a collection coproduced by Arte France ; Centre Georges Pompidou ; Ministeŕe de la Culture et de la Communication Direction de l'Architecture et du patrimoine ; Les films d'Ici ; Museé du Louvre ; based on an original idea by Richard Copans and Stan Neuman
Germany Science Study and teaching : Desirable science education : findings from a curricular Delphi study on scientific literacy in Germany / Theresa Schulte
Germany Scientific illustration : Fritz Kahn / Uta von Debschitz & Thilo von Debschitz ; foreword by Steven Heller ; English translation, Shaun Whitehouse, for Grapevine Publishing Services, Matt Fentem, Pedro Lopez ; German translation, Ursula Wulfekamp, for Grapevine Publishing Services, French Translation, Wolf Fruhtrunk
Germany Scientific illustrators : Fritz Kahn / Uta von Debschitz & Thilo von Debschitz ; foreword by Steven Heller ; English translation, Shaun Whitehouse, for Grapevine Publishing Services, Matt Fentem, Pedro Lopez ; German translation, Ursula Wulfekamp, for Grapevine Publishing Services, French Translation, Wolf Fruhtrunk
Germany Scientific literature : Wissenschaftsdiskurse kontrastiv : Kulturalität als Textualitätsmerkmal im deutsch-chinesischen Vergleich / Jin Zhao
Germany Scientists Congresses : Hermann Graßmann : from past to future : Graßmann's work in context : Graßmann Bicentennial Conference, September 2009 / Hans-Joachim Petsche [and others], editors
Germany Scientists Social life and customs : Internationale Nachwuchswissenschaftler in Deutschland : Motivation - Integration - Förderung : Ergebnisse einer bundesweiten Studie / Antje Wegner ; Gate Germany, Konsortium Internationales Hochschulmarketing
Germany Scotland Relations : Duncan Liddel (1561-1613) : networks of polymathy and the Northern European Renaissance / edited by Pietro Daniel Omodeo in collaboration with Karin Friedrich
Germany Scrapbooks Conservation and restoration : Hannah Hoch : album / [Herausgeber: Gunda Luyken, Berlinische Galerie, Landesmuseum fur Moderne Kunst, Fotografie und Architektur ; englische Ubersetzung: John W. Gabriel, franzosische Ubersetzung: Marie Delion-Bellow]
Germany Screens (Church decoration) : The gothic screen : space, sculpture, and community in the cathedrals of France and Germany, ca. 1200-1400 / Jacqueline E. Jung