Gnosticism -- Early works to 1800 -- Congresses : The seventh book of the Stromateis : proceedings of the Colloquium on Clement of Alexandria (Olomouc, October 21-23, 2010) / edited by Matyas Havrda, Vit Husek, Jana Plátová
Gnosticism -- Influence : Wisdom's children : a Christian esoteric tradition / Arthur Versluis
Gnosticism Judaism Relations : Gnosis und Judentum : Alttestamentliche und jüdische Motive in der gnostischen Literatur und das Ursprungsproblem der Gnosis
Gnostikos Evagrius, Ponticus, 345?-399 : Evagrius, Kephalaia Gnostika : a new translation of the unreformed text from the Syriac / translated with an introduction and commentary by Ilaria L.E. Ramelli
Here are entered works on the total value of goods and services produced by a national economy over a specified time period, including net income from abroad. Works on the total value of goods and services produced by a national economy exclusive of net income from abroad are entered under Gross domestic product