Grief in adolescence -- Handbooks, manuals, etc : Griefwork for teens : healing from loss : reproducible interactive & educational handouts / by Ester R.A. Leutenberg & Fran Zamore ; illustrated by Amy L. Brodsky
Grief in children -- Case studies : A big and a little one is gone : crisis therapy with a two-year-old boy / Elisabeth Cleve ; [translated by Inger Boëthius-Kay and Pamela Boston]
Grief in children -- Congresses. : Three faces of mourning : melancholia, manic defense, and moving on / edited by Salman Akhtar
Grief in children -- Sweden -- Case studies : A big and a little one is gone : crisis therapy with a two-year-old boy / Elisabeth Cleve ; [translated by Inger Boëthius-Kay and Pamela Boston]