Empire speaks out : languages of rationalization and self-description in the Russian Empire / edited by Ilya Gerasimov, Jan Kusber and Alexander Semyonov
Defining empire in a dialogue. New imperial history and the challenges of empire / Ilya Gerasimov [and others] ; Considerations on imperial comparisons / Ann Laura Stoler -- The challenge of unification and resistance. Governance, education, and the problems of empire in the age of Catherine II / Jan Kusber ; Us and them?: Polish self-descriptions and perceptions of the Russian Empire between homogeneity and diversity (1815-1863) / Hans-Christian Petersen ; Siberian middle ground: languages of rule and accommodation on the Siberian frontier / Sergey Glebov -- The challenge of transformation and rationalization. Russian physical anthropology of the nineteenth-early twentieth centuries: imperial race, colonial other, degenerate types, and the Russian racial body / Marina Mogilner ; The real and live ethnographic map of Russia: the Russian Empire in the mirror of the State Duma / Alexander Semyonov ; Redefining empire: social engineering in late imperial Russia / Ilya Gerasimov
This collection turns to different modes of self-representation and self-description of the Russian Empire in an attempt to reveal social practices and processes that are usually ignored by the teleological, nation-centered historical narratives