Grossbritannien Verfassung Geschichte : The Constitution of England ; or, An account of the English government / Jean Louis DeLolme ; edited and with an introduction by David Lieberman
Grosscup, Issachar, -- Trials, litigation, etc : Trial of Rev. Issachar Grosscup, for the seduction of Roxana L. Wheeler : comprising the testimony in the case and also a sketch of the arguments addressed to the jury in behalf of the defense by Lapham, Bowne and Willson, and the reply in behalf of the prosecution by Mark H. Sibley, Esq., at the February Circuit of the Supreme Court, held at Canandaigua, Ontario county, 1848
Große Seen Afrika -- Region : The land beyond the mists : essays on identity and authority in precolonial Congo and Rwanda / David Newbury ; foreword by Jan Vansina
Große Seen -- Region : Forest Dynamics and Disturbance Regimes : Studies from Temperate Evergreen-Deciduous Forests / Lee E. Frelich
Grossesse Infections à VIH : HIV screening of pregnant women and newborns / Leslie M. Hardy, editor ; Committee on Prenatal and Newborn Screening for HIV Infection, Institute of Medicine
Grosseteste, Robert, 1175?-1253 -- Authorship : La grammaire philosophique du pseudo-Robert Grosseteste (= Pierre de Limoges, Pierre d'Auvergne?) : présentation, édition critique et traduction des Communia gramatice parisiens et salmantins (MSS Paris, BnF, lat. 16617, fol. 183rb-205vb et Salamanca, BU 1986, fol. 102vb-115rb) / René Létourneau ; avec la collaboration de Claude Lafleur et Joanne Carrier
Großfamilie : The Extended family in black societies / editors, Demitri B. Shimkin, Edith M. Shimkin and Dennis A. Frate
Großforschung : Large-scale biomedical science : exploring strategies for future research / Sharyl J. Nass and Bruce W. Stillman, editors ; Committee on Large-scale Science and Cancer Research, National Cancer Policy Board and Division on Earth and Life Studies, National Research Council
Großgrundbesitz : A new lease on life : landlords, tenants and immigrants in Ireland and Canada / Catharine Anne Wilson