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Grounds, Marr : Australia : nine contemporary artists : [John Davis, John Dunkley-Smith, Marr Grounds, Lyndal Jones, John Nixon, Mike Parr, Redback Graphix, Stelarc : Los Angeles Institute of Contemporary Art, June 30-August 14, 1984]  1984 1

Grounds, Soccer -- See Soccer fields


Groundskeeping, Hospital -- See Maintenance and Engineering, Hospital

Hospital department whose primary function is the upkeep and supervision of the buildings and grounds and the maintenance of hospital physical plant and equipment which requires engineering expertise
Groundwate -- Arsenic content : Arsenic : environmental chemistry, health threats and waste treatment / by Kevin Henke, David Atwood, Lisa Blue  2009 1
  Groundwater -- 9 Related Subjects   9
Groundwater.   133
Groundwater -- Africa : Applied groundwater studies in Africa / editors, Segun Adelana, Alan MacDonald ; associate editors, Tamiru Alemayehu Abiye, Callist Tindimugaya  2008 1
Groundwater -- Africa -- Congresses. : The fishes of the Indo-Australian Archipelago / by Dr. Max Weber and Dr. L.F. de Beaufort  1965 1

Groundwater Air injection -- See Groundwater Air sparging

Groundwater -- Air sparging. : In-situ air sparging  1997 1
Groundwater -- Analysis.   10
Groundwater -- Arid regions : Semi-arid environments : agriculture, water supply, and vegetation / Kara M. Degenovine, editor  2011 1
Groundwater -- Arsenic content.   9
Groundwater -- Arsenic content -- Bangladesh : Water wars : when drought, flood and greed collide  2014 1
Groundwater -- Arsenic content -- Cambodia -- Kândal (Province) : Born sweet / directed and produced by Cynthia Wade  2010 1
Groundwater -- Arsenic content -- Congresses : Arsenic research and global sustainability, as 2016 / editors, Prosun Bhattacharya, KTH-International Groundwater Arsenic Research Group, Department of Sustainable Development, Environment Sciences and Engineering, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, International Center for Applied Climate Science, University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia, Marie Vahter, Marie, Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, Jerker Jarsjö, Department of Physical Geography and Quaternary Geology, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden, Bolin Centre for Climate Research, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden, Jurate Kumpiene, Waste Science & Technology, Department of Civil, Environmental and Natural Resources Engineering, Luleå University of Technology, Luleå, Sweden, Arslan Ahmad, KWR Watercycle Research Institute, Nieuwegein, the Netherlands, Charlotte Sparrenbom, Department Geology, Quaternary Sciences, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, Gunnar Jacks, KTH-International Groundwater Arsenic Research Group, Department of Sustainable Development, Environmental Sciences and Engineering, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, Marinus Eric Donselaar, Department of Geoscience and Engineering, Delft Univ. of Technology, Delft, the Netherlands, Jochen Bundschuh, Faculty of Health, Engineering and Sciences, the University of Southern Queensland, Toowoomba, Australia, KTH-International Groundwater Arsenic Research Group, Department of Sustainable Development, Environmental Sciences and Engineering, KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, Sweden, Ravi Naidu, Global Centre for Environmental Remediation (GCER), Faculty of Science & Information Technology, the University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW, Australia, Research Centre for Contamination Assessment and Remediation of the Environment (CRC CARE), University of Newcastle, Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia  2016 1
Groundwater -- Arsenic content -- Developing countries : Arsenic remediation of food and water : technological interventions and perspectives from Developing Countries / Bhaskar Sen Gupta, Nadia Martínez-Villegas, editors  2024 1
Groundwater -- Arsenic content -- Taiwan : The Taiwan Crisis : a Showcase of the Global Arsenic Problem  2010 1

Groundwater Artificial recharge -- See Artificial groundwater recharge

Groundwater -- Asia   2
Groundwater -- Asia -- Management   2
Groundwater -- Australia.   17
Groundwater -- Australia -- Carpentaria, Gulf of (N.T. and Qld.) : Water in the Gulf of Carpentaria Drainage Division : a report to the Australian Government from the CSIRO Northern Australia Sustainable Yields Project  2009 1
Groundwater -- Australia -- Central Australia. : The dead heart of Australia : a journey around Lake Eyre in the summer of 1901-1902, with some account of the Lake Eyre Basin and the flowing wells of Central Australia / by J.W. Gregory  1906 1
Groundwater -- Australia -- Congresses. : Interstate Conference on Artesian Water : preliminary report  1912 1
Groundwater -- Australia -- Corangamite Region (Vic.) : The underground water resources of Victoria. Volume II, The Corangamite region / by H.J. Newton under the direction of G.N. Alexander and R.G. Knight  1954 1
Groundwater -- Australia -- Coronation Hill Region (N.T.) : Interactions between surface water and groundwater in the area of Coronation Hill, NT / T.G. Chapman  1991 1
Groundwater -- Australia -- Darling River Watershed (Qld. and N.S.W.)   3
Groundwater -- Australia -- Gellibrand River Watershed (Vic.) : Evidence to Parliamentary Public Works Committee Gellibrand River inquiry / State Rivers and Water Supply Commission  1981 1
Groundwater -- Australia -- Great Artesian Basin.   3
Groundwater -- Australia -- Great Artesian Basin -- Computer simulation. : GABFLOW : a steady state groundwater flow model of the Great Artesian Basin / W.D. Welsh  2000 1
Groundwater -- Australia -- Keith (S.A.) : An alternative to border check irrigation : comparison of border check to drop tube centre pivot irrigation for lucerne irrigated with saline water / by James De Barro  2008 1
Groundwater -- Australia -- Mallee (Vic.) : Shallow groundwater trends in the the Mallee dryland / Briony Muller, Mark Hocking  2002 1
Groundwater -- Australia -- Management.   4
Groundwater -- Australia -- Mathematical models. : Groundwater models : a community guide to better understanding / Lisa Robins, Freebairn, and Andrew Sedger  2003 1
Groundwater -- Australia -- Murray Basin.   2
Groundwater -- Australia -- Murray-Darling Basin   2
Groundwater -- Australia -- Murray-Darling Basin (N.S.W.) : Living on floodplains / by David Mussared  1997 1
Groundwater -- Australia -- Murray River (N.S.W.-S.A.)   3
Groundwater -- Australia -- Murray River Watershed (N.S.W.-S.A.)   2
Groundwater -- Australia -- New South Wales -- Murray-Darling Basin : Living on floodplains / by David Mussared  1997 1
Groundwater -- Australia -- Northern Territory -- Coronation Hill Region   2
Groundwater -- Australia -- Periodicals. : Australian Groundwater Quality Assessment Project report  1997- 1
Groundwater -- Australia -- Port Phillip Bay (Vic.) -- Composition. : Groundwater nutrient and toxicant inputs to Port Phillip Bay / Hydro Technology Pty Ltd  1993 1
Groundwater -- Australia -- Queensland. : Water in the Northern North-East Coast Drainage Division : a report to the Australian Government from the CSIRO Northern Australia Sustainable Yields Project  2009 1
Groundwater -- Australia -- South Australia. : Geology and underground water resources of the Adelaide Plains area / by Keith R, Miles  1952 1
Groundwater -- Australia -- South Australia -- Adelaide Plains : Geology and underground water resources of the Adelaide Plains area / by Keith R, Miles  1952 1
Groundwater -- Australia -- South Australia -- Buckingham Region : The Effects of drainage on groundwater behaviour in counties Cardwell and Buckingham and the effect on Coorong : a report for the Minister of Water Resources, 1981-83 / A. Jensen ... [and others]  1984? 1
Groundwater -- Australia -- South Australia -- Mount Gambier Region : Underground water in the Mount Gambier area  1976 1
Groundwater -- Australia -- South Australia -- Northern Adelaide region : Geology and underground water resources of the Adelaide Plains area / by Keith R, Miles  1952 1
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