handelspolitik Sydostasien konferenser : Taking Southeast Asia to market : commodities, nature, and people in the neoliberal age / edited by Joseph Nevins and Nancy Lee Peluso
Handelsreise : The memoirs and memorials of Jacques de Coutre : security, trade, and society in 16th and 17th-Century Southeast Asia / edited with an introduction by Peter Borschberg ; translated by Roopanjali Roy
Handelsschiedsgerichtsbarkeit : Transatlantic economic disputes : the EU, the US, and the WTO / edited by Ernst-Ulrich Petersmann and Mark A. Pollack
Handelsschiff : Slavery at sea : terror, sex, and sickness in the middle passage / Sowande' M. Mustakeem
Handelsvolumen : Volume based portfolio strategies : analysis of the relationship between trading activity and expected returns in the cross-section of Swiss stocks / Alexander Brändle
Handelsvoorwaarden. : Regulatory barriers and the principle of non-discrimination in world trade law / Thomas Cottier and Petros C. Mavroidis, editors ; Patrick Blatter, associate editor
Here are entered general and non-legal works on the control of guns. Works on the legal aspects of gun control are entered under Firearms--Law and legislation
A type of MICROCOMPUTER, sometimes called a personal digital assistant, that is very small and portable and fitting in a hand. They are convenient to use in clinical and other field situations for quick data management. They usually require docking with MICROCOMPUTERS for updates
Here are entered works on horse racing in which horses carry weights as a handicap. Works on handicapping horse races as a method of betting are entered under Horse racing--Betting