Health education -- Africa : Health promoting schools in Africa : evidence, strategies, challenges and prospects / guest editors, Andrew J. Macnab, Faith A. Gagnon and Donald Stewart
Health education -- Africa, East. : Health education : a manual for medical assistants and other rural health workers / Norman Scotney
Health education -- Asia -- Congresses : Asian perspectives and evidence on health promotion and education / Takashi Muto, Toshitaka Nakahara, Eun Woo Nam, editors
Health education -- Australia -- Directories. : The Directory of public health and community nutrition training in Australia / National Specialty Program in Public Health and Community Nutrition ; [text prepared by J. Woods, K. Campbell, A. Malberg]
Health education -- Biography. : Delbert Oberteuffer : his professional activities and contributions to the fields of health and physical education / by Iona Ruth Grosshans
Health education -- Canada : Promotion de la santé au Canada et au Québec : perspectives critiques / Michel O'Neill, Sophie Dupéré, Ann Pederson, Irving Rootman
Health education -- Caribbean Area : Challenging HIV and AIDS : a new role for Caribbean education / edited by Michael Morrissey ; with Myrna Bernard and Donald Bundy ; foreword by George Alleyne
Health education -- Colombia -- Santa Marta Range Region : Territorios de conocimiento ancestral : educación para la salud en las comunidades indígenas de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta / Luis Armando Vila Sierra, Luis Alfredo González Monroy, Simón José Esmeral Ariza
Education that increases the awareness and favorably influences the attitudes and knowledge relating to the improvement of health on a personal or community basis