Hearing impaired -- Congresses. : Proceedings of the XIII World Congress of the World Federation of the Deaf / [Australian Association of the Deaf Inc]
Hearing impaired -- Employment. : Connecting the dots : a successful transition for deaf students from vocational education and training to employment / Catherine Clark
Hearing impaired -- Handbooks, manuals, etc. : Hearing loss and dementia resource manual : a guide to communicating effectively with people who are deaf or hard of hearing and have dementia / [Judy Duncan, Bronwyn Porter, Maureen Sheehan]
Hearing impaired -- Medical care. : Caring for the person who cannot hear well : an introductory text for nurses and other health professionals who work with people with hearing impairment : a self instructional learning/teaching package / by Adrian M. Prophet
Hearing impaired -- Services for -- Queensland, Northern : Indigenous sign language and culture : the interpreting and access needs of deaf people who are Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander in far north Queensland / Suzannah O'Reilly
Hearing impaired -- Social conditions. : Hearing impairment and hearing disability : towards a paradigm change in hearing services / Anthony Hogan and Rebecca Phillips
Hearing impaired students -- See Also the narrower term Deaf students
Hearing levels -- United States. : Final environmental impact statement on a hearing conservation amendment to the standard for occupational exposure to noise / U.S. Dept. of Labor, Occupational Safety and Health Administration, Directorate of Technical Support, Office of Regulatory Analysis
Here are entered works on the lack of sense of hearing, including the lack combined with the inability to speak, i.e. deaf-mutism. Works on the inability to speak whether from any functional or physical cause other than deafness are entered under Mutism