About the Series Editors; List of Contributors; Introduction; Contents; Chapter 1 Laboratory Procedures for Diagnosis of Malaria DC Warhurst and JE Williams; Chapter 2 Definition, Epidemiology, Diagnosis and Management of the Anemia of Malaria Geoffrey Pasvol and Saad H Abdalla; Chapter 3 Pathogenesis of the Anemia of Malaria Saad H Abdalla and Geoffrey Pasvol; Chapter 4 Iron and Folate in Malaria Saad H Abdalla; Chapter 5 Leukocytes in Malaria Saad H Abdalla; Chapter 6 Cytokine Changes in Malaria Saad H Abdalla
This book reviews all of the hematological changes and interactions inmalaria, one of the most important transmissible diseases in humanbeings. In doing so, it emphasizes the importance of malaria as aprimarily hematological disease. It aims to increase the awareness andinterest among hematologists, malariologists and tropical physicians