Heráclito, Ayrson : Black art in Brazil : expressions of identity / Kimberly L. Cleveland
Heráclito cristiano Quevedo, Francisco de, 1580-1645 : Meditación espiritual e imaginación poética : estudios sobre Ignacio de Loyola y Francisco de Quevedo / Christian Wehr ; traducción del alemán de Elvira Gómez Hernández
Herald Exhibition : The heroic years of Australian painting, 1940-1965 : the Herald exhibition
Herald Exhibition (1939 : Australia) : Degenerates and perverts : the 1939 Herald exhibition of French and British contemporary art / Eileen Chanin and Steven Miller ; with an introductory essay by Judith Pugh
Herald (Ship) : Report of the salvage case : wherein Laurence Tallon and the owners of the Herald steamer were promovants and the Alexander Robertson, of London (whereof Leonard Whitely was master) and her cargo, impugnants : Easter term, 1838 ; promovant's advocates, Dr. Kelly ... [et al.] ; impugnant's advocates, the Queen's advocate ... [et al.]