Herbicides -- Evaluation. : Guidelines for field evaluation of herbicides / prepared on behalf of the Australian Weeds Committee by the Pesticides Section of the Australian Department of Primary Industry
Herbicides -- pharmacology : Pest management with natural products / John J. Beck, editor, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Albany, California, Joel R. Coats, editor, Iowa State University, Ames, Iowa, Stephen O. Duke, editor, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service, Oxford, Mississippi, Marja E. Koivunen, editor, Eurofins Agroscience Services, Inc., Sanger, California ; sponsored by the ACS Division of Agrochemicals
Here are entered works on the physiological effect of herbicides on plants. Descriptive works on herbicides and their use in weed control are entered under Herbicides
Herbicides -- Testing. : Guidelines for field evaluation of herbicides / prepared on behalf of the Australian Weeds Committee by the Pesticides Section of the Australian Department of Primary Industry
Herbicides -- Toxicology -- United States : The people vs. agent orange / a co-production of the Independent Television Service and Arte, France ; produced by Veronique Bernard ; produced and directed by Alan Adelson and Kate Taverna
Herbivores, Fossil -- South America : Revision of South American Titanosaurid dinosaurs : palaeobiological, palaeobiogeographical and phylogenetic aspects / by Jaime Eduardo Powell