A chronic suppurative and cicatricial disease of the apocrine glands occurring chiefly in the axillae in women and in the groin and anal regions in men. It is characterized by poral occlusion with secondary bacterial infection, evolving into abscesses which eventually rupture. As the disease becomes chronic, ulcers appear, sinus tracts enlarge, fistulas develop, and fibrosis and scarring become evident
Hidradenitis : Acne : causes and practical management / F. William Danby
A chronic disorder of the pilosebaceous apparatus associated with an increase in sebum secretion. It is characterized by open comedones (blackheads), closed comedones (whiteheads), and pustular nodules. The cause is unknown, but heredity and age are predisposing factors
Hidradenitis Suppurativa -- therapy : A comprehensive guide to hidradenitis suppurativa / Vivian Y. Shi, Jennifer L. Hsiao, Michelle A. Lowes, Iltefat H. Hamzavi
A chronic suppurative and cicatricial disease of the apocrine glands occurring chiefly in the axillae in women and in the groin and anal regions in men. It is characterized by poral occlusion with secondary bacterial infection, evolving into abscesses which eventually rupture. As the disease becomes chronic, ulcers appear, sinus tracts enlarge, fistulas develop, and fibrosis and scarring become evident
Hidráulica : Cavitation and bubble dynamics / Christopher E. Brennen, California Institute of Technology
Hidrologia. : Fluvial processes : theory and applications. Volume 1, Drivers and conditions of river channel character and change / Roman S. Chalov
Hidrologia urbana. : Urban hydrology, hydraulics, and stormwater quality : engineering applications and computer modeling / A. Osman Akan, Robert J. Houghtalen
Hidrometeorologia. : Acid rain research : do we have enough answers? : proceedings of a speciality conference, 's-Hertogenbosch, the Netherlands, 10-12 October 1994 / edited by G.J. Heij and J.W. Erisman