Historia del abad don Juan, señor de Montemayor. : El abad don Juan, señor de Montemayor : la "historia" de un "cantar" / edición, introducción y notas de Ana Martínez Pereira y Víctor Infantes
Historia del Abencerraje y la hermosa Jarifa -- See Abencerraje
Historia Derecho natural : Roman law in the state of nature : the classical foundations of Hugo Grotius' natural law / Benjamin Straumann ; translated by Belinda Cooper
Historia Desigualdad social América Latina : Has Latin America always been unequal? : a comparative study of asset and income inequality in the long twentieth century / by Ewout Frankema
historia Despotism Grekland före 1500 : Private and public lies : the discourse of despotism and deceit in the Graeco-Roman world / edited by Andrew Turner, James H. Kim On Chong-Gossard and Frederik Juliaan Vervaet
historia Despotism Romerska riket före 1500 : Private and public lies : the discourse of despotism and deceit in the Graeco-Roman world / edited by Andrew Turner, James H. Kim On Chong-Gossard and Frederik Juliaan Vervaet
historia Det övernaturliga England : Spectres of the self : thinking about ghosts and ghost-seeing in England, 1750-1920 / Shane McCorristine
historia Diakoner : A companion to priesthood and Holy Orders in the Middle Ages / edited by Greg Peters, C. Colt Anderson
Historia Dictadura Europa : The age of the dictators : a study of the European dictatorships, 1918-53 / David G. Williamson
historia Digital konst : Mainframe experimentalism : early computing and the foundations of the digital arts / edited by Hannah B. Higgins and Douglas Kahn
historia Diplomati genusaspekter : Women, diplomacy and international politics since 1500 / edited by Glenda Sluga and Carolyn James
historia Diplomati Medelhavsländerna medeltiden : Diplomatics in the eastern Mediterranean 1000-1500 : aspects of cross-cultural communication / edited by Alexander D. Beihammer, Maria G. Parani and Christopher D. Schnabel
historia Diplomatiska gåvor Mellanöstern : Geschenke und Steuern, Zölle und Tribute : antike Abgabenformen in Anspruch und Wirklichkeit / herausgegeben von H. Klinkott, S. Kubisch und R. Müller-Wollermann