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historia Bysantinska riket verk före 1800 : A synopsis of Byzantine history, 811-1057 / John Skylitzes ; introd., text and notes translated by John Wortley  2010 1
historia Byteshandel : Dangerous gifts : gender and exchange in ancient Greece / by Deborah Lyons  2012 1
Historia Caballeros y caballería Europa : Chivalry : a series of studies to illustrate its historical significance and civilizing influence / [edited by] Edgar Prestage  2004 1
Historia Cacao América central : Chocolate in Mesoamerica : a cultural history of cacao / edited by Cameron L. McNeil ; foreword by Diane Z. Chase and Arlen F. Chase  2006 1
Historia calamitatum (Abaelardus) : Abaelards "Historia calamitatum" : Text - Übersetzung - literaturwissenschaftliche Modellanalysen / herausgegeben von Dag Nikolaus Hasse  2002 1
Historia calamitatum Abelard, Peter, 1079-1142 : Abaelards "Historia calamitatum" : Text - Übersetzung - literaturwissenschaftliche Modellanalysen / herausgegeben von Dag Nikolaus Hasse  2002 1
Historia Cálculo : Conflicts between generalization, rigor, and intuition : number concepts underlying the development of analysis in 17th-19th century France and Germany / Gert Schubring  2005 1
Historia California Hasta 1846 : Colonial rosary : the Spanish and Indian missions of California / Alison Lake  2006 1
Historia California Hasta 1846 Fuentes : Telling identities : the Californio testimonios / Rosaura Sánchez  1995 1
Historia California Hasta 1846 Literatura juvenil : La Misión de Nuestra Señora de la Soledad = Discovering Mission Nuestra Señora de la Soledad  2016 1
historia Cancer forskning Förenta staterna 1900-talet : Contested medicine : cancer research and the military / Gerald Kutcher  2009 1
Història Caritat Aspectes religiosos Església Catòlica, [Església Evangèlica, etc] Fins al 1500 : The medieval economy of salvation : charity, commerce, and the rise of the hospital / Adam J. Davis  2019 1
Història Caritat França Fins al 1500 : The medieval economy of salvation : charity, commerce, and the rise of the hospital / Adam J. Davis  2019 1
Història Carreteres : Highways, byways, and road systems in the pre-modern world / edited by Susan E. Alcock, John Bodel, Richard J.A. Talbert  2012 1
Historia Castilla (Reino) 1252-1284 (Alfonso X) : Alfonso X, the Learned : a biography / by H. Salvador Martínez ; English translation by Odile Cisneros  2010 1
Historia Cátaros : A most holy war : the Albigensian Crusade and the battle for Christendom / Mark Gregory Pegg  2008 1
Historia Católicos Europa Actividad política : Catholic politics in Europe, 1918-1945 / Martin Conway  1997 1
historia Celibat kristendom forntiden : Marriage, celibacy, and heresy in ancient Christianity : the Jovinianist controversy / David G. Hunter  2007 1
historia Centralasien : Empires of the Silk Road : a history of Central Eurasia from the Bronze Age to the present / Christopher I. Beckwith  2009 1
historia Chanson de geste : Constructions of childhood and youth in old French narrative / Phyllis Gaffney  2011 1
historia Chasydyzm Litwa 18 w : Jews in Poland-Lithuania in the eighteenth century : a genealogy of modernity / Gershon David Hundert  2004 1
historia Chasydyzm Polska 18 w : Jews in Poland-Lithuania in the eighteenth century : a genealogy of modernity / Gershon David Hundert  2004 1
historia Cherokeser : The Cherokee diaspora : an Indigenous history of migration, resettlement, and identity / Gregory D. Smithers  2015 1
historia Cherokeser Oklahoma : African Cherokees in Indian territory : from chattel to citizens / Celia E. Naylor  2008 1
historia Chiapas 1994- : Zapatistas : Rebellion from the Grassroots to the Global  2010 1
Historia chichimeca Alva Ixtlilxóchitl, Fernando de, 1578-1650 : The legacy of rulership in Fernando de Alva Ixtlilxochitl's Historia de la nación chichimeca / Leisa A. Kauffmann  2019 1
historia Chick lit : Chick lit and postfeminism / Stephanie Harzewski  2011 1
historia Chile 1800-talet : A history of Chile, 1808-2002 / Simon Collier, William F. Sater  2004 1
historia Chile 1808-2002 : A history of Chile, 1808-2002 / Simon Collier, William F. Sater  2004 1
Historia Chile 1824-1920 : Chile: the making of a republic, 1830-1865 : politics and ideas / Simon Collier  2003 1
historia Chile 1900-talet : A history of Chile, 1808-2002 / Simon Collier, William F. Sater  2004 1
historia Chile 1970-talet : The rise and fall of repression in Chile / Pablo Policzer  2009 1
HISTORIA CHILE 1973-1990 : Pinochet, the politics of torture / Hugh O'Shaughnessy  2000 1
historia Chile 1973-2006 : The Pinochet regime / Carlos Huneeus ; translated by Lake Sagaris  2007 1
HISTORIA CHILE GOLPE DE ESTADO, 1973 : The breakdown of democratic regimes, Chile / Arturo Valenzuela  1978 1
Historia Chile SXX : The breakdown of democratic regimes, Chile / Arturo Valenzuela  1978 1
Historia China 1966-1969 (Revolución cultural) : Rhetoric of the Chinese Cultural Revolution : the impact on Chinese thought, culture, and communication / Xing Lu  2004 1
Historia Chortíes : Ch'orti'-Maya survival in eastern Guatemala : indigeneity in transition / Brent E. Metz  2006 1
Historia Ciencia   3
Historia Ciencia España : Science in the Spanish and Portuguese Empires, 1500-1800 / edited by Daniela Bleichmar, Paula De Vos, Kristin Huffine, and Kevin Sheehan  2009 1
Història Ciència Filosofia : The origin of discrete particles / T. Bastin, C.W. Kilmister  2009 1
Historia Ciencia Portugal : Science in the Spanish and Portuguese Empires, 1500-1800 / edited by Daniela Bleichmar, Paula De Vos, Kristin Huffine, and Kevin Sheehan  2009 1
Historia Ciencias : For better or for worse? : collaborative couples in the sciences / Annette Lykknes, Donald L. Opitz, Brigitte Van Tiggelen, editors  2012 1
Historia Cine   2
Historia Cine brasileño : Brazilian national cinema / Lisa Shaw and Stephanie Dennison  2007 1
Història Cinematografia Espanya : 100 years of Spanish cinema / Tatjana Pavlović [and others]  2009 1
historia Cirkus : The greatest shows on earth : a history of the circus / Linda Simon  2014 1
Historia Cirkus Förenta staterna : The circus age : culture & society under the American big top / Janet M. Davis  2002 1
historia Cirkus sociala aspekter Förenta staterna : The circus age : culture & society under the American big top / Janet M. Davis  2002 1
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