Holidays -- Latin America : Voces de Carnaval : ritualidad festiva, resignificación cultural y mercantilismo / Eloísa Carbonell Yonfá, Germán Zarama Vásquez, Aura Orozco Araújo, coordinadores
Holidays -- Miscellanea : Haunted holidays : twelve months of Kentucky ghosts / Roberta Simpson Brown and Lonnie E. Brown
Holidays -- Multicultural : Multicultural holidays : share our celebrations / written by Julia Jasmine ; illustrated by Sue Fullam and Theresa M. Wright
Holidays RELIGION General : Rhythms of religious ritual : the yearly cycles of Jews, Christians, and Muslims / Kathy Black with Bishop Kyrillos, Jonathan L. Friedmann and Tamar Frankiel, Hamid Mavani and Jihad Turk
Holidays -- Rocky Mountains region : Pole raising and speech making : modalities of Swedish-American summer celebration / Jennifer Eastman Attebery
Holidays -- Slavic countries : Transforming national holidays : identity discourse in the west and south Slavic countries, 1985-2010 / edited by Ljiljana Saric, Karen Gammelgaard, Kjetil Ra Hauge
Holidays SOCIAL SCIENCE : The public work of Christmas : difference & belonging in multicultural societies / edited by Pamela E. Klassen and Monique Scheer
Holidays -- United States -- Songs and music : The unanswered question ; Holidays symphony ; Central Park in the dark ; the gong on the hook and ladder ; The circus band / Ives