Home and school -- Australia -- Victoria. : The compass program : a manual for educators to use with parents to improve children's K-8 reading and overall academic achievement / Michael E. Bernard
Home and school -- California : Bi-cultural competence and academic resilience among immigrants / Rosalva Vega Vargas-Reighley
Home and school -- Canada : Critical perspectives on education policy and schools, families, and communities / edited by Sue Winton, Gilliam Parekh
Home and school -- Chile : LA RELACION ENTRE FAMILIAS Y ESCUELAS EN CHILE aprendizajes desde la politica educativa, la investigacion y la intervencion socioeducativa
Home and school -- Colombia -- Bogotá : Cómo Construir Ambientes Escolares y Familiares Saludables para la Infancia : Creación de Vínculos Familia-Escuela en el Primer Ciclo de Educación en Bogotá
Home and school -- Illinois : The home-school connection : lessons learned in a culturally and linguistically diverse community / Flora V. Rodríguez-Brown
Home and school -- Jamaica : Each one teach one : parental involvement and family engagement in Jamaica's education system / edited by Saran Stewart, Sharline Cole and Yewande Lewis-Fokum
Home and school -- Ontario -- Ottawa Region : La violence au préscolaire et au primaire les défis et les enjeux de la collaboration entre l'école et les parents / Maryse Paquin et Marie Drolet avec la collaboration de Rachel Hasan ; préface de Égide Royer
Home and school -- Québec (Province) -- Congresses : Familles et réussite éducative : actes du 10 symposium Québécois de Recherche sur la Famille / sous la direction de Gilles Pronovost avec la collaboration de Caroline Legault
Home and school -- Texas -- Case studies. : Con respeto : bridging the distances between culturally diverse families and schools : an ethnographic portrait / Guadalupe Valdés