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Access this resource: Oxford Scholarly Editions Online
Description Oxford Scholarly Editions Online (OSEO) provides access to material written between 1485 and 1837, plus Classical Latin poetry, including all of Shakespeare's plays, the complete works of Jane Austen, Ovid, and Virgil, the poetry of John Donne, and works by Adam Smith and Jeremy Bentham.
Subject area Literary Studies
  Media, Communication and Creative Arts
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Click for full text Access catalogue record Dates for online coverage
Oxford Scholarly Editions Online A. Persi Flacci et D. Juni Juvenalis: Saturae / edidit brevique adnotatione critica denvo instruxit W.V. Clausen
Oxford Scholarly Editions Online The advancement of learning / edited with introduction, notes, and commentary by Michael Kiernan
Oxford Scholarly Editions Online Aeneid / Virgil ; translated with notes by Frederick Ahl ; with an introduction by Elaine Fantham
Oxford Scholarly Editions Online Aeneid. 10 / Vergil ; with introduction, translation, and commentary by S.J. Harrison
Oxford Scholarly Editions Online Aeneidos : Liber quintus / edited with a commentary by R.D. Williams
Oxford Scholarly Editions Online Aeneidos : Liber tertius/ edited with a commentary by R.D. Williams
Oxford Scholarly Editions Online All's well that ends well / William Shakespeare ; edited by Susan Snyder
Oxford Scholarly Editions Online Amelia / Henry Fielding ; edited by Martin C. Battestin
Oxford Scholarly Editions Online Amores : Medicamina faciei femineae ; Ars amatoria ; Remedia amoris / P. Ovidi Nasonis ; iteratis curis edidit E.J. Kenney
Oxford Scholarly Editions Online The anatomy of melancholy. Vol. 1, Text / Robert Burton ; Thomas C. Faulkner, Nicolas K. Kiessling, and Rhonda L. Blair, eds
Oxford Scholarly Editions Online The anatomy of melancholy. Vol. 2, Text / Robert Burton ; Nicolas K. Kiessling, Thomas C. Faulkner, and Rhonda L. Blair, eds
Oxford Scholarly Editions Online The anatomy of melancholy. Vol. 3, Text / Robert Burton. ; edited by Thomas C. Faulkner, Nicolas K. Kiessling, Rhonda L. Blair
Oxford Scholarly Editions Online The annals of Quintus Ennius / edited with introduction and commentary by Otto Skutsch
Oxford Scholarly Editions Online Appendix Vergiliana. http://id.loc.gov/authorities/names/n84208759
Oxford Scholarly Editions Online Ars amatoria, book I / Ovid ; edited with an introduction and commentary by A.S. Hollis
Oxford Scholarly Editions Online As you like it / William Shakespeare ; edited by Alan Brissenden
Oxford Scholarly Editions Online An astrological diary of the seventeenth century : Samuel Jeake of Rye, 1652-1699 / edited with an introduction by Michael Hunter and Annabel Gregory
Oxford Scholarly Editions Online Ausonii opera / recognovit brevique annotatione critica instruxit, R.P.H. Green
Oxford Scholarly Editions Online Behemoth, or, The Long Parliament / Thomas Hobbes ; Edited by Paul Seaward
Oxford Scholarly Editions Online Ben Jonson. The man and his work. Volume I / C.H. Herford and Percy Simpson (eds.)